Club Prisma A1- Libro de ejercicios: Exercises Book for Student Use
Club Prisma Level A1 - Workbook Club Prisma is a manual that was born to meet the needs of teachers and young students and teenagers of Spanish. It combines different methodological trends from a communicative perspective in order to provide the young student with the strategies and knowledge necessary to develop in a Hispanic context. It is structured in four levels and follows the guidelines of the CEFR and the new Curriculum Plan of the Cervantes Institute. With this Workbook the student can practice and reinforce the contents studied in the course. Manual resulting from several years of methodological research work, specifically designed according to the needs, learning styles and concerns of young people. Follow a communicative approach that, from the most current perspective and taking into account the concrete reality of the classroom, it is committed to eclecticism.
Great diversity of types of activities that guarantee learning in an inductive and deductive way. It enhances interaction and communication in class, paying special attention to work in pairs and groups. Take advantage of the interest of adolescents for the use of the Internet to propose research and tasks in the network related to the contents of each unit. A Portfolio is included for the student to reflect and record their experiences in learning Spanish. Knowledge of culture and intercultural work are integrated into each unit, forming part of the didactic sequence and promoting global learning.