Pluspunkt Deutsch - Leben in Deutschland - Allgemeine Ausgabe: A1: Gesamtband - Arbeitsbuch und Kursbuch
This book is tailor-made for learners with a migration background in the integration courses sponsored by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The course books introduce richly illustrated opening pages in the new lesson.
The speech exercises on the Speak Active pages at the end of each chapter are for automation. A how-to page summarizes the learning material.
Four stations are available for the playful repetition.
In the appendix: partner pages, phonetics (volumes A1 and A2) and model test DTZ (volume B1), video pages, an alphabetical word list and an overview of the irregular verbs.
The video DVD shows everyday situations in Germany in humorous scenes. It can be used in class as well as in self-study phases.
The workbooks with an audio Audio inserted.
The digital material package bundles all available additional content to the textbook and helps to make the lessons multimedia. The lesson manager can be used at home and also in the classroom on whiteboard or beamer.