Spanish Sentence Builders A lexicogrammar approach PART TWO TRILOGY SPEAKING BOOKLET - 9783911386098
This speaking booklet has been designed as an accompaniment to Spanish
Sentence Builders - TRILOGY - Part 2.
It is divided into 13 units, which perfectly match the content of the original
Spanish Sentence Builders - TRILOGY - Part 2 book.
Each unit includes a sentence builder modelling the target constructions and
then a series of tried and tested Conti EPI speaking games, sequenced so as
to pose a gradually increasing degree of challenge.
The speaking activities included are:
*Oral Ping Pong
*Find Someone Who
*No Snakes No Ladders
*Staircase Translation
*Fast & Furious
*Communicative Drills
*Fluency Cards
*Things in Common
* Trapdoor
*Detectives & Informants
* Information Gap Tasks
The activities are devised so as to scaffold oral communication by gradually
moving from highly structured tasks to semi-structured ones.
For best results, we recommend using this book to use in conjunction with
the E.P.I. approach.
Please note that both The Language Gym and SentenceBuilders.com
websites are ideal supplements to this booklet. Both websites recycle every
single lexical and structural item found in this booklet many times over via
self-marking vocabulary and reading workouts, in addition to engaging and
fun games and a powerful verb trainer